Tuesday, March 30, 2010

From Labour Room...

One of my colleagues once commented that "once you have seen your wife enduring Labour Pain, you would start loving her all the more". And after my experiences over last 48 hours..I must admit that I couldn't agree more.

My wife entered the labour room, with approximately 21 weeks pregnancy. While the reason and result both were rather fateful in our case, but the experiences or lets say the process was almost similar to that of full-fledged delivery.

She was in labour for close to 14 hours.

14 hours of continuous and literally excruciating pain, consistent bleeding. Every single minute was a test of her mental and physical strength. And with every passing minute my respect for women hood, and in particular for my wife, grew stronger and stronger. Ironically, women are still called 'the weaker sex'

And in that context it's so disheartening to see the plight of women in today's world. Female foeticide is a grave reality, dowry deaths haven't really vanished, domestic violence continues as we speak.

As men..the least we can do is respect and love women. Women - who endure pains of unimaginable degree to give us life.

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